Sunday, October 19, 2014

Free Digraph Posters

Hello All,

I know it has been a while since I posted!!!  Well, I decided to move to Louisville, KY.   While I loved my family, friends, and colleagues in Charlotte, NC, it became very clear to me that being a teacher and growing old in NC are not compatible, unfortunately.  I hope things will get better in that wonderful state.  The amazing weather alone might have made me stay.  The great news is that I love living in this wonderful new city!  Locals here constantly say how much they love Louisville and growing up here.  I have not picked between U of L and UK, but I hear that it is only a matter of time until I will be forced to decide.   I am now an RTI coach/teacher and love my new school! 

Creating things has also been on the back burner, but necessity being the mother of invention, I had to get back into the swing of things.  During the move, I downsized a little too much and could not find my digraph posters, so I made new ones.  Here they are:

 You can get them free here:  Free Digraph Posters--Ch, Sh, & Th

I hope you all are having a wonderful year!
