Thursday, November 22, 2012


Welcome to my blog.  I am a first grade teacher, though I have taught almost every grade.  My passion is word study because I studied under the amazing Shane Templeton from Words Their Way fame and he taught me to love words and every aspect of them.

 Tchrgrl was created when gmail came out and I needed a username.  I cracked myself up with the irony that I was so passionate about word study and I would tell kids that the vowel was the most important letter in a word, yet my username had no vowels.  Ha!

Teaching reading is a science, and many teachers wish this was common knowledge.  This blog will contain a lot of commentary about word study.  However, since reading, writing, and spelling are all connected, subjects and resources on this blog will address those as well.  And, although this blog will be primarily about literacy, I sometimes get so excited to share a resource that no subject is off limits!  Occasionally a math resource might pop up and surprise you.  Thanks for stopping by.


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